30-Day Creative Challenge: Circle Paintings

I’d always wanted to try a 30-day creative challenge, but wasn’t motivated to actually begin one until the early days of pandemic lock downs when my old schedule was out the window. I was desperately craving more structure for my days and creative practice.


This format was inspired by a birthday card I painted for my husband. Working with 5x7” card and acrylic paint, I drew a circle and painted a night sky scene above silhouetted trees — capturing the swirling galaxies and cool mood of a night sky. I finished and was so gratified by the quick act of creation that I immediately wanted to make more. Thus, the circle project was born.


  • Use supplies I already had at home

  • Work in dimensions small enough I could finish in about an hour

  • Paint one circle every day, without exception

  • No going back and retouching a painting after it was done

That’s it. No limitations on subject, no defined themes I wanted to explore, or big expectations of what I might get out of this thing. I wanted to keep it super simple and doable so it didn’t feel exhausting to continue day after day.

What I Learned

  • Some days it’s a trudge, but it’s worth doing. Prior to this project, I tended to flow with my inspiration and work in bursts (unless I was on a strict deadline). I learned that it’s possible to create good work even on days I really don’t feel like I’m in an ideal creative headspace.

  • Daily art is sort of like a daily journal. I remember where I was, who I had spoken to, and how I felt when I look back at each painting. They ended up being a cool time capsule of my life during that time. What I felt inspired by and chose to paint tells its own story.

  • Not every painting is good. But that’s ok! My parameter of not retouching was intentionally created to fight the urge for perfection. They won’t all be breathtaking.

  • Structure is wonderful. As a freelancer (and especially during a pandemic), creating structure for myself with daily routines was grounding and motivating.

Would I Do It Again?


These pieces inspired a handful of commission projects and renewed my love for small scale painting! A few originals are still available in my shop, and it’s been so fun giving stickers as gifts.


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